megaupload taringa gratis juegos para celular todas las resoluciones.
Hola colegas, esta vez me tome la libertad de agregar juegos para celular, en carpetas.
Si no saben la resolucion de su celular chequenlas en las paginas de sus fabrincantes.
Resolucion: 128 x 128.
Celulares: Alcatel OT-E801, LG MG161, ME600, MD 3000, MG230, etc.
Juegos: 1942, Air Adrenaline, Boomberman 2, Hulk, Boun, Bringem back, Caveman, Ches conquest, Dragon Fury, Driver 3, Extreme Air, Rapido y furioso, Golden Water, I robot, Metal Slug 3, Olympic Sports, Prince of Persia - Harem Adventures, Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time, Prince Of Persia - Warrior Within, Prince Of Persia 3, Puzzle Booble, Scoobydoo, Snake, Snowboard, StreetSoccer.
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
Air adrenaline:


Dragon Fury:

Driver 3:

Extreme Air:

Metal Slug:

Prince of persia:

Puzzle bubble:

Street Soccer:

Resolucion: 128 x 160
Celulares: sony ericson z310, w300, nokia 5200, etc.
Juegos: Street Figthers, WWE, Black hawk down, America army, Dragon ball GT, Medal of honor, Real Footbal 2006, America Gangster, Street Basketball, Doom, Freestyle Moto, Era de hielo 2, Metalslug, Rainbow Six 3, Rayman 3, River Storm 3D, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, The lost, The fall, Mario vs Wario, Constantine, Jungle commando, Land of dead, Asphalt 4, Miami night español, Guitar hero backstage, Digimon, Tom Raider, Inquisit 3D, Prince of Persia Rival Swords, Iron man, Age of empires 2, Age of empires 3, Asphalt 3, Csi new york, Call of duty 4, Castlevania, Hummer 3D.
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
Street Figthers:

Black hawk down:

Street Basketball:

Iron Man:

Hummer 3D:

Age of empires:

Resolucion: 176 x 220
Celulares: Alcatel Ot-E820a, Sony Ericsson W710i, K550i, Sagem my700, Motorola Z3,
LG MG320, MG800, etc.
Juegos: The king of figthers, 2005 Real Football, Adidas All Star Football, African Rally, After Dark, Age of empires III, Age of Heroes, American Gangster, Army Vs Crime,
Asphalt 3, Assassins Creed, Batman Begins, Berlin chaos, Burnot, Burning Skies, Call of duty 4, Choo choo train pipe, Conflict Desert Storm, Conflic Vietnam, Counter Strike, Dakar 2005, Darkest Fear Grim Oak, Codigo Davinchi, Dukenukemb, Euroleague 4, Frankestein, Freestylem, Hitman Blod Money, Ice Age Skater, Kane&Lynch, KND, Liquidator, MafiaWars2, Medal of Honor, Metal Slug 3, PrinceOfPersia WW, Puzle Bobble, SkiJump, Sonic The Hedgehog part 1,Sonic The Hedgehog part 2, South Park Sports Day, Tank Racer, Las cronicas de riddick, el cuervo, Viking Games, World Strongest Men, Worms Forts, Triple X II, Zuma, Naruto, KO Legends, Honey Hunt, Play Bool pool, Leyend of zelda, 2006 Fifa Word Cup, Shadow Walker, El padrino, Jalsa Rocks, NFL 2009, CSI New York,
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
The king of Figthers:

Adidas All Star Football:

Age of empires:

American Gangster:

Assains Creed:

Counter Strike:

Resolucion: 240 x 320
Celularess: Motorola Z6, Z6m, E2, A1200, V9 - RAZR2, Nokia N95, N76, 5310, 6131, 6280,
6270, LG ME970 "SHINE", Sony Ericsson W580i, K790, K800, W900
Juegos: 1943, Real Football 2005, Actriser, Adidas All-Star Football 100, Adidas, Age of empires, Age of empires II, Air Snowboarding, Alien vs Predator, AlienXenocide, Alpha Zone 3D, American Gangster, Americas Army, Ancient Empires, Ancient Ruins 4, Ancient Towers Of Sarun, Anino, Enigma Force, Anno, Anno 1503, Arsenal Club Football, Asphalt Urban Gt, Asphalt Street Rules, Aztec Warrior, Ball Rush 2, Banjo Kazooie Adventure 3D, Blade, Bomber Pilot, Bombs, Boulder 2, Bruce Lee, Brutal Fighting, Bulldozer In, Call of Duty 2, Capcom Street Fighter Alpha Rapid Battle, Carmageddon, Castlevania, Caveman X-mas, Crash Nitro Cart, Darkest Fear, Desert Commandos, Destroy All Human, Dexter Laboratory, Die Hard, DOOM, Drakengard, Fantasy Warrior 2 EVIL, Fantasy Warrior 2 Good, Fatal Fury Mobile, FIFA 2008, Fifa Street2, Freestyle Motocross, Gangland, Ghost Recon 2, Gangstar3, Hugo Evil Mirror, Ice Age 2 Arctic Slide, I-play, Jurassic Park, Kamasutra, King kong, Lethal Mission, Lord Of The Rings, Lord of the Rings Return of King, Lost Planet, Mario lostlevel2, Marvel Spiderman, megaman, metalslug3, metalslug, MiamiVice, Mini Golf - Las Vegas, mr and mrs smith, Night Club, Land Of The Dead, Platoon, Prince Of Persia - The Two Thrones, Puzzle Bobble, Rainbow Six Lock Down, Rainbow Six 3, Rayman 3, Residentevil, Splint Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Sex Bomb, Shirads Forge, Sonic Jump, South Park, Street Fighter 2, Street Soccer 2, Strip Table Dance, Super Puzzle Bobble, Swat force, La leyenda del zorro, El dia despues de mañana, Tony Hawks Underground, Total Overdose, Vans Skate And Slam, Vortex Racer, War Of The Worlds, Worms, Worms Forts, X Men 2, ZyZy, Zelda Legends.
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
Ancient Empires:

Aztec Warrior:

Lost Planet:

Todal Overdoce:

Zelda Legends:

Parte 1:
Parte 2:
Eso es todo, por ahora .... nos vemos.

Si no saben la resolucion de su celular chequenlas en las paginas de sus fabrincantes.
Resolucion: 128 x 128.
Celulares: Alcatel OT-E801, LG MG161, ME600, MD 3000, MG230, etc.
Juegos: 1942, Air Adrenaline, Boomberman 2, Hulk, Boun, Bringem back, Caveman, Ches conquest, Dragon Fury, Driver 3, Extreme Air, Rapido y furioso, Golden Water, I robot, Metal Slug 3, Olympic Sports, Prince of Persia - Harem Adventures, Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time, Prince Of Persia - Warrior Within, Prince Of Persia 3, Puzzle Booble, Scoobydoo, Snake, Snowboard, StreetSoccer.
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
Air adrenaline:
Dragon Fury:
Driver 3:
Extreme Air:
Metal Slug:
Prince of persia:
Puzzle bubble:
Street Soccer:
Resolucion: 128 x 160
Celulares: sony ericson z310, w300, nokia 5200, etc.
Juegos: Street Figthers, WWE, Black hawk down, America army, Dragon ball GT, Medal of honor, Real Footbal 2006, America Gangster, Street Basketball, Doom, Freestyle Moto, Era de hielo 2, Metalslug, Rainbow Six 3, Rayman 3, River Storm 3D, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, The lost, The fall, Mario vs Wario, Constantine, Jungle commando, Land of dead, Asphalt 4, Miami night español, Guitar hero backstage, Digimon, Tom Raider, Inquisit 3D, Prince of Persia Rival Swords, Iron man, Age of empires 2, Age of empires 3, Asphalt 3, Csi new york, Call of duty 4, Castlevania, Hummer 3D.
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
Street Figthers:
Black hawk down:
Street Basketball:
Iron Man:
Hummer 3D:
Age of empires:
Resolucion: 176 x 220
Celulares: Alcatel Ot-E820a, Sony Ericsson W710i, K550i, Sagem my700, Motorola Z3,
LG MG320, MG800, etc.
Juegos: The king of figthers, 2005 Real Football, Adidas All Star Football, African Rally, After Dark, Age of empires III, Age of Heroes, American Gangster, Army Vs Crime,
Asphalt 3, Assassins Creed, Batman Begins, Berlin chaos, Burnot, Burning Skies, Call of duty 4, Choo choo train pipe, Conflict Desert Storm, Conflic Vietnam, Counter Strike, Dakar 2005, Darkest Fear Grim Oak, Codigo Davinchi, Dukenukemb, Euroleague 4, Frankestein, Freestylem, Hitman Blod Money, Ice Age Skater, Kane&Lynch, KND, Liquidator, MafiaWars2, Medal of Honor, Metal Slug 3, PrinceOfPersia WW, Puzle Bobble, SkiJump, Sonic The Hedgehog part 1,Sonic The Hedgehog part 2, South Park Sports Day, Tank Racer, Las cronicas de riddick, el cuervo, Viking Games, World Strongest Men, Worms Forts, Triple X II, Zuma, Naruto, KO Legends, Honey Hunt, Play Bool pool, Leyend of zelda, 2006 Fifa Word Cup, Shadow Walker, El padrino, Jalsa Rocks, NFL 2009, CSI New York,
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
The king of Figthers:
Adidas All Star Football:
Age of empires:
American Gangster:
Assains Creed:
Counter Strike:
Resolucion: 240 x 320
Celularess: Motorola Z6, Z6m, E2, A1200, V9 - RAZR2, Nokia N95, N76, 5310, 6131, 6280,
6270, LG ME970 "SHINE", Sony Ericsson W580i, K790, K800, W900
Juegos: 1943, Real Football 2005, Actriser, Adidas All-Star Football 100, Adidas, Age of empires, Age of empires II, Air Snowboarding, Alien vs Predator, AlienXenocide, Alpha Zone 3D, American Gangster, Americas Army, Ancient Empires, Ancient Ruins 4, Ancient Towers Of Sarun, Anino, Enigma Force, Anno, Anno 1503, Arsenal Club Football, Asphalt Urban Gt, Asphalt Street Rules, Aztec Warrior, Ball Rush 2, Banjo Kazooie Adventure 3D, Blade, Bomber Pilot, Bombs, Boulder 2, Bruce Lee, Brutal Fighting, Bulldozer In, Call of Duty 2, Capcom Street Fighter Alpha Rapid Battle, Carmageddon, Castlevania, Caveman X-mas, Crash Nitro Cart, Darkest Fear, Desert Commandos, Destroy All Human, Dexter Laboratory, Die Hard, DOOM, Drakengard, Fantasy Warrior 2 EVIL, Fantasy Warrior 2 Good, Fatal Fury Mobile, FIFA 2008, Fifa Street2, Freestyle Motocross, Gangland, Ghost Recon 2, Gangstar3, Hugo Evil Mirror, Ice Age 2 Arctic Slide, I-play, Jurassic Park, Kamasutra, King kong, Lethal Mission, Lord Of The Rings, Lord of the Rings Return of King, Lost Planet, Mario lostlevel2, Marvel Spiderman, megaman, metalslug3, metalslug, MiamiVice, Mini Golf - Las Vegas, mr and mrs smith, Night Club, Land Of The Dead, Platoon, Prince Of Persia - The Two Thrones, Puzzle Bobble, Rainbow Six Lock Down, Rainbow Six 3, Rayman 3, Residentevil, Splint Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Sex Bomb, Shirads Forge, Sonic Jump, South Park, Street Fighter 2, Street Soccer 2, Strip Table Dance, Super Puzzle Bobble, Swat force, La leyenda del zorro, El dia despues de mañana, Tony Hawks Underground, Total Overdose, Vans Skate And Slam, Vortex Racer, War Of The Worlds, Worms, Worms Forts, X Men 2, ZyZy, Zelda Legends.
Imagenes: (Las que encontre)
Ancient Empires:
Aztec Warrior:
Lost Planet:
Todal Overdoce:
Zelda Legends:
Parte 1:
Parte 2:
Eso es todo, por ahora .... nos vemos.
Autor: anarkiacero
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